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100 Days of Design Intuition


Why Designer's Intuition Matters and how can we enhance it?


Data Analyst 


Data Visualization




9/2023 - 12/2023
100 days


In the design world, intuition is a double-edged sword. While it fuels creativity, its elusive nature often leaves it undervalued in a field increasingly dominated by data and AI. This paradox raises a crucial question: Can the instinctual flair of human designers coexist with the precision of technology?

Addressing this, my 100-day project was an exploration into harnessing intuition within the structured framework of modern design. It was an experiment to blend the spontaneous with the systematic, aiming to uncover how intuitive insights can complement data-driven tools. This journey was not just about validating intuition but understanding its role and potential in enhancing the design process in an AI-driven era.


The Role of Intuition in Design

  • Study by Collopy, F. (2020):
    In his research, Collopy discusses the interplay between intuition and analytical thinking in design decision-making. He emphasizes that intuition, far from being mere guesswork, is grounded in a designer's accumulated knowledge and experience.

  • Research by Cross, N. (2019):
    Nigel Cross, in his exploration of design thinking, highlights how expert designers often rely on intuitive strategies that are deeply rooted in their extensive experience, leading to innovative solutions that structured methods might not yield.

  • Findings by Gedenryd, H. (2018):
    Gedenryd's work explores how intuition in design is not just an innate talent but a skill that can be developed and refined, contributing significantly to problem-solving and creativity in design.


These studies collectively illustrate that intuition in design is a sophisticated cognitive process, blending experience, subconscious insights, and learned knowledge. They advocate for a broader recognition of intuition as a vital component of the design process.

Why This Matters?

In today's data-driven design world, the role of intuition is often overshadowed by the emphasis on quantifiable outcomes and AI-driven solutions. However, as these studies suggest, intuition is a key element in achieving innovative and human-centric designs. Recognizing and harnessing intuition is crucial, especially in an era where balancing human creativity with technological advancements is becoming increasingly important. This integration of intuition and technology leads to a more comprehensive design approach, ensuring that designs are not only efficient and data-informed but also creatively rich and human-centered.


Understanding the Dilemma

In the rapidly evolving field of design, where data and AI are increasingly influential, a critical question arises: How do we preserve and utilize the unique human element of intuition in our design processes? This dilemma is at the heart of modern design practice, where the balance between technology and human creativity is constantly being negotiated.

The Underlying Challenge

While technology offers precision and efficiency, it lacks the nuanced understanding and instinctual creativity that human intuition brings. The challenge lies in ensuring that this valuable aspect of design isn't lost in the pursuit of technological advancement. How can designers maintain their intuitive edge in an environment that is becoming more and more data-centric?


My Focus

My experiment aimed to explore this very challenge. It sought to understand how intuition can be effectively integrated into the design process, complementing rather than competing with technological tools. The goal was to investigate whether a designer's intuitive decisions could enhance the creative process and lead to outcomes that are both innovative and resonant with the human experience. (You can also read full content of the experiment at the slides here)

Design of the Experiment

My 100-day project was an exploration into the integration of intuition within the design process. The experiment was designed to understand how intuitive decisions influence design outcomes in a real-world setting.

  • Daily Design Tasks:
    Each day, I focused on a specific design task or concept. The tasks were diverse, ranging from graphic design to conceptual development, ensuring a broad exploration of design areas.

  • Intuitive Decision-Making:
    For each task, I consciously relied on my intuition to guide the design choices. This approach allowed me to tap into my subconscious insights and creativity.

  • Documentation and Reflection:
    I meticulously documented each design decision, the intuitive thought process behind it, and reflected on how these choices felt and their immediate outcomes.

  • Mood Tracking:
    Alongside the design documentation, I recorded my mood each day to understand the emotional context of my intuitive decisions.

Day 51.png
Day 82.png
Day 95.png


  • Data Collection:
    The data collected included the design task, the intuitive decision made, the rationale (if any), the reflection on the decision, and the mood for the day.

  • Analysis:
    Post-experiment, I analyzed the data to identify patterns, correlations between mood and design decisions, and the overall effectiveness of intuition in the design process.

  • Outcome Measurement:
    The success of each design was evaluated based on criteria like creativity, innovation, and personal satisfaction, alongside feedback from peers and mentors.


Design Display of 100 Days: A Visual Spectacle

The culmination of the 100-day project was a visually stunning display showcasing the designs created over the period. Each piece, with its unique patterns and vibrant colors, formed a tapestry that was not just aesthetically pleasing but also a testament to the diversity and richness of intuitive design. This display was more than just a collection of work; it was a narrative of creativity, showcasing the beauty and spectacle of designs born from intuition.

Data Analysis: Understanding the Design Journey

The culmination of the 100-day project was a visually stunning display showcasing the designs created over the period. Each piece, with its unique patterns and vibrant colors, formed a tapestry that was not just aesthetically pleasing but also a testament to the diversity and richness of intuitive design. This display was more than just a collection of work; it was a narrative of creativity, showcasing the beauty and spectacle of designs born from intuition.

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Gantt Chart of Updated Project Categories

This chart provided a clear visualization of my progress and the variety of tasks undertaken throughout the semester. It was instrumental in tracking my journey, highlighting the phases of intense creativity and periods of learning and reflection.

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Distribution of Design Application by Word of the Day

Analyzing the frequency of words used in design applications revealed which concepts resonated most with me. This distribution offered insights into recurring themes and preferences in my design approach, reflecting the intuitive choices that shaped my work.

Word Clouds.png

Word Cloud Comparison: Application vs. Reflection

The contrast between the word clouds of design application and reflection was particularly revealing. It illustrated the difference between my intuitive thought process during design and my reflective thoughts post-design. This comparison shed light on how intuition influenced my creative process and the subsequent reflections on each design.


Mood Distribution Over 100 Days

The Mood Distribution Pie Chart reflects my daily satisfaction with how effectively intuition was applied in design tasks. It showcases the emotional response to the success of intuitive applications, offering a personal gauge of how fulfilling each intuitive decision felt.


Quantifying the Intangible

The project successfully transformed intuitive experiences into measurable data. This quantification provided a clear framework to objectively analyze how intuition manifests in the design process.

Personal Satisfaction with Intuitive Application

The mood data primarily served as an indicator of personal satisfaction with the intuitive process. It provided insights into how content or challenged I felt with the intuitive choices made each day, rather than directly correlating with the creative output or design quality. (My mood for the intuition application turns out to be mostly good, which is awesome!)

Evolution of Design Preferences

Tracking word usage in design applications and reflections revealed evolving patterns in design preferences. This data illustrated how certain themes and concepts became more prominent or diminished over time, reflecting the dynamic nature of creative intuition.

Intuition and Data Synergy

The fusion of intuitive insights with data analysis validated the importance of intuition in design. It opened new perspectives on harnessing intuition within a structured, data-informed framework, enhancing the overall design process.


In response to the insights gained from the 100-day project, I am motivated to create tools that not only celebrate but also empower the intuitive skills of designers.

Recognizing the challenges and opportunities in harnessing intuition, these future deliverables are envisioned to provide practical, innovative solutions. They aim to support designers in their creative journey, offering platforms and tools for enhancing, tracking, and sharing their intuitive design experiences.

IntuiDesign Assistant: Empowering Intuitive Design in Figma

Envisioned as a comprehensive AI assistant within Figma, the IntuiDesign Assistant is a plugin that combines several key features to enhance and support the intuitive capabilities of designers. This tool is designed to seamlessly integrate into the Figma platform, providing a holistic experience for designers to nurture and analyze their intuition in design.

Key Features

  • Interactive Intuition Journal:
    A feature within the plugin where designers can document their daily design decisions, intuitive thoughts, and reflections. This journal is designed to help designers track and understand their intuitive journey over time.

  • 'What-If' Scenario Exploration:
    After logging a design decision in the journal, the plugin generates 'what-if' scenarios. These scenarios help designers explore alternative outcomes and potential risks, encouraging deeper thinking and exploration in their design process.

  • Data-Driven Insights and Analytics:
    The plugin analyzes the data from the journal and the 'what-if' scenarios to provide insights into the designer's intuitive patterns and preferences. This feature helps in identifying trends, strengths, and areas for growth in their design style.

  • Community Learning and Sharing:
    This aspect of the plugin allows designers to share their intuitive experiences and insights within a community of Figma users. It fosters a collaborative environment for learning, feedback, and collective growth in intuitive design skills.


Enhanced Understanding of Intuition

The project deepened my comprehension of how intuition influences design decisions, highlighting its role as a vital component in the creative process

Personal Growth & Confidence in Design

The daily practice of applying intuition led to significant personal growth, enhancing my confidence in making intuitive design choices.

Value of Reflective Practice

Regular reflection on design decisions fostered a deeper understanding of my design style and preferences, emphasizing the importance of introspection in creative work.

Data as a Tool for Self-Discovery

Analyzing data from the project revealed patterns in my intuitive process, serving as a powerful tool for self-discovery and personal development in design.

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